Is Audio engineering a good career to pursue and how does one achieve it?

Discussion in 'Education' started by AviatOfficial, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Well,Currently I'm in 12th standard(High School) in Science Stream and I have been learning singing and piano since last 6-7 years and I have started to produce Electronic Music since last couple of months.You can listen them on My SoundCloud(from my profile).And I want to make a career in Audio Engineering and also be a Music Producer.

    From what I've heard, the audio engineering business is dying(or even the music studios are becoming less prominent) :unsure: and it's extremely hard to get a good paying job (in a studio, for instance) unless you have good connections in the business.
    I have read many forums that doing an Internship can be a big shot for entering into this rather than joining a institute for Sound Degree.

    Would it be a good idea for me to go to an audio engineering school and then try to get an internship at a studio and work my way up from there, or would I be better off getting a degree in Computer Science/IT and just producing as a hobby?

    I'm still pretty much confused and need some good guidance about it :dunno:

    Thanks in advance :bow:
  2. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Nah. The music industry is rough right now. It's even tough to get an internship. Sounds like I'm killing your dream, but look elsewhere within the field of audio.
  3. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    I would agree with going into live sound.

    I have a first diploma an extended diploma & a foundation degree by may i will also have a B.A Honours in Audio Engineering & Producing.

    it is VERY HARD to get into a studio, and believe me these "internships" aren't anything it'd be months before you even was allowed to touch the equipment.

    believe me you will never see advertised in the paper

    "Wanted Sound Engineer" it just doesn't happen

    i've enjoyed studying music from an academic point of view, it has allowed me to use gear i could only dream of if i was a hobbiest.

    but the education path costs a lot. i'm currently in about 50k of debt because of tuition fees.

    i have also worked/work in many of the great venues my city has to offer doing live sound and have learnt a lot and met some amazing people.

    but live work is worlds away from studio work.

    and the only way to get in, is meeting people

    i would say all my effort has been worth it but at the end of the day does not guarantee you a job.

    i will not walk out in may with my degree and enter a job in many cases having it will prevent me from getting a job (if i wanted to work in a fast food restaurant to earn some extra cash they would decline me on the spot and believe me thats already happened)

    it is a very hard industry to work in.

    although my path now continues with live sound, i get approx £80 per gig to engineer but it's a lot of work, it is tiring it is demanding.

    i decided about 8 years ago what i wanted to do for the rest of my life, and i'm trying very hard to make that happen.


    if i was you, id look at all the options and take a long think about what you want to do.
  4. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    i think it's a matter of how you look @ things. sure the traditional 'audio-scene' is dying, but damn, look around you, there's audio everywhere in this media bamboozled world we live in, i currently study audio engineering @ sae amsterdam and it's the best decision ever, yeah, i'm in debt too, but i get offered so many real life opportunities ranging from 'engineering' a national radio weather forecast to live engineering in a jazz venue... it's the best decision of my life, but i agree that it's hard, you're really responsible for all the work you'll get, you have to get yourself out there and luckily here in the netherlands it's a small 'scene', everywhere i go i see and meet the same faces and in a while i hope to have networked enough to keep a steady stream of (freelance) jobs, i'm not there yet, but i can perhaps say i'm @ about 75%.. anyway this is all just my story as an example for you (good, bad you decide...), but it's all about getting yourself out there and meeting/connecting with 'the right' people and being honest with yourself.. do you really think you're good enough? and if not, do you think you have the potential to grow to the point where you want to be in a reasonable amount of time (whatever is acceptable for you). this is can be really confronting, but very necessary. me myself i'm not there yet skills wise, but i think i can handle it to learn much deeper, so for me it's ok i guess... anyway that were my 2cents...

    peace from amsterdam :bow:
  5. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    From what you have written AviatOfficial, that you've been MAKING music yourself and your own music is on Soundcloud, and then you want to be an audio engineer, I would say that this ambition would not be aligned with what you have been doing! The audio engineer facilitates other people's music, as a recording or live performance. Are you sure you don't want to be a musician or singer? I would advise that you study music, and get qualifications in the music 'business' with the purpose of starting a music label. I know that these days, because musicians have to use electronics, that they have had to learn production as part of the music creation process, and the lines between 'producer' and 'musician' have been blurred in some genres, but it doesn't necessarily mean that every musician today is also a producer. Electronic music is only a very small part of the entire music business, and the majority of 'musicians' have no talent or interest in production because they are purely musicians. So, I would advise a long hard think about what it is you really want to do in your life. If it's to be a musician, then BE a musician, and focus yourself in that direction. You should also be prepared to leave India IF the opportunities for better education exist elsewhere. Follow your dream, and do well! :wink:
  6. Codo

    Codo Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Don´t ever waist your money on these so-called "professional sound-something edu diploma", that promises, that such a diploma is the easiest way to open doors.

    They are sh**ting with young men dreams and hard-earned CASH.

    By the way (a different story): I worked for some years in an instrument-store, which was one of many in a large chain of instrument-stores. We were educated to empty peoples wallies according to their dreams. The more you could make an 18-year old kid believe, that he could become rich and famous, the more money you could fool out of his bank account. We just HATED parents :snuffy:

    Back to the point: Always go for your dreams as long as you have got these, but as mentioned above, sound engineering is much more than just music recording studios. There´s the whole broadcasting business. Commercials. Radio. Movie production. Live Music. Theaters. If you are a true sound engineer, you would just adore making any kind of sound solution - and make it good. I´m one of those guys sitting in a recording studio with many different musicians. No one are barely famous, but I make a regular income and I wouldn´t care at all if it was in one of all the other businesses that I could fulfill my dreams: Making the best of sound!!! Actually I sometimes wish that I was into TV production - must be exiting.

    And for gods sake: Don´t ever waste cash on those diploma courses. You can learn the same hands on!!!

    Good luck chasing those dreams - just keep on trying, no matter what.
  7. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply :bow:
  8. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply :bow:
    I was sure about audio industry tho :sad:
  9. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply :bow:

    Yep you are very right about the fees for these music institutes...they are too much :excl:

    And once again thanks for your opinion :wink:
  10. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply :bow:

    I am probably thinking of joining SAE Mumbai(if my parents allowed and ready to pay the fees :( ) next year alongside my University courses.

    But yea I guess I can handle this work field and ready to do hard-work :)

    peace from India :thumbsup: :mates:
  11. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply :bow:

    You are right on many things here.I will think in a proper way what I want to achieve :wink:
  12. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply :bow:

    Yea I guess these institutes are really playing with the young minds :sad:
    I won't probably join anything unless I'm very very sure about it :wink:

    I really think sound engineering has a lot of potential in many fields and TV,Movie,Gaming production would be really cool *yes*

    Once again thanks for your reply